2013... The Talent Magnet - Year In Review

Well... if the time between this post and last is any indication... we have been BLESSED to be very busy in 2013!

As we close out 2013; there is certainly much to be THANKFUL for! 

This past year has been one of sustained growth/hiring across ALL the industry verticals we service :  BEAUTY,  LUXURY, ADVERTISING/BRANDING,  FASHION & ENTERTAINMENT

In addition to our core Marketing practice; perhaps what was most exciting was to see companies, brands and agencies begin to spend money and invest in areas not directly tied to revenue generation.

As a result; we were engaged in many more searches this year for:

Human Resources
Administrative Support
Customer Service

This is one of the signs of a strengthening economy and an optimistic outlook by industries who rely heavily on CONSUMER SPENDING.

Another very positive sign is the recent uptick in the number of junior level searches we have been given.  Over the course of the past few months; we have recruited for Entry Level , Marketing Coordinator/Assistant, and Assistant Manager roles with increasing number for the first time since the end of 2007.

There is no doubt that brands continue to invest big money in DIGITAL! This was evident in the number of searches we had that were specific to: E-Commerce, Mobile, Digital Strategy, Digital Analytics, Social Media, Digital Art Direction, UX/UI, and more. (with Luxury leading the way)

This year also saw professionals at all levels taking a greater interest in establishing and/or further developing their Personal Brand. Job Seekers clearly understand that capturing a prospective employer's attention, a recruiter's attention, or perhaps the eye of colleagues requires you to understand how to market yourself.  Your Personal Brand is shaped -- over time -- by the way people EXPERIENCE you in a personal and professional context. The cornerstones of your Personal Brand are seen in your ACTIONS... your COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE... and THE WAY YOU TREAT PEOPLE... regardless of their title or what they can do for you.

At The Talent Magnet, Luxury & Beauty lead the way in 2013-- with the majority of our searches this past year coming out of these sectors. This was followed closely by both Fashion & Advertising --- with Entertainment representing the fewest (the fact that all our searches are in NYC impacts that greatly). We are fortunate to be sought out by CMOs and other senior marketing executives (as well as Directors Of Talent Acquisition) for access to the incredible roster of Marketing professionals The Talent Magnet has become synonymous with representing.

The most common titles/skill sets we recruited for were:

US Brand Manager/Director
Global Marketing Manager/Director
E-Commerce Manager/Director
Social Media Marketing Manager/Director
Digital Art Director
Digital Media Planning/Strategy
Digital Analytics

More than any of these facts - what will leave the greatest impact on me for 2013 was the tremendous courage I witnessed in the face of some life's greatest challenges. From the incredible spirit of Malala Yousafzai and those families in Sandy Hook trying to move on... to those rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy to those picking up the pieces from Typhoon Haiyan... it is their valiant resolve that stands out.  From plane crashes to train crashes... to inconceivably... more shootings --- ordinary people demonstrated extraordinary means to cope... and push through some of life's greatest challenges.  As I get older; my heroes have become ORDINARY PEOPLE who when life seems to be almost impossible --- rise up and move through with great GRACE & DIGNITY.  This is what I wish for my legacy to be as well.

May you attract all the things you want in the New Year... just like a MAGNET :) SK

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