Common Sense...Courtesy...Energy seem to be in LOW SUPPLY!

It appears that very often --- basic expectations --- are not being met --- by employers and candidates alike!

My Mom would tell me...and still does... "treat people the way you would like to be treated".

This is my business/personal mantra --- and the thought I keep in the back of my mind when I am communicating. I am I certainly fall short from time to time --- but I consistently make the effort.

I understand that not everyone subscribes to the same philosophy - so I try to adjust my expectations accordingly. However; I have to say that am noticing an increasing lack of COURTESY....lack of ENERGY...and apparent lack of COMMON SENSE that is somewhat disturbing.

Many companies have been - what I call "CANDIDATE WINDOW SHOPPING". They see a lot candidates --- schedule multiple interviews --- only to NOT MAKE ANY DECISION! Employers seem to be showing a lack of courtesy in the greatest measure recently - specifically related to interviewing. I hear everyday from candidates (many of whom were contacted by the employer) about this COMMUNICATION VOID that exists. It is now typical for an employer to ACTIVELY pursue a candidate...put them through multiple interviews (at days/times convenient for THEM)...only to STOP communicating. These candidates attempt to follow up (without stalking) by email or phone...only to get NO REPLY AT ALL.

Now wait...YOU pursued ME...put me through "the ringer"...and now....SILENCE. This is a story I hear EVERYDAY. Is it that much of an "EMPLOYER'S MARKET" that they don't see the need to show common courtesy. Are companies that sure of themselves and their ability to attract/retain talent - that basic professionalism is NOT necessary? I long does it take to bang out a "Thanks for your interest - but at this time..." type of note? Do companies just not care?

I think the answers are numerous. I believe the volume of people being contacted/reviewed/screened is so large - that the task of consistent FOLLOW UP is daunting. In many companies, multiple people are involved in HR and the department...and somewhere in that exchange - the ball is dropped. And then... there is the concern shown ONLY to those candidates they are contemplating making an offer to in the immediate future. BTW- these are not excuses...just my opinion of what may be happening. However; I think many of the organizations who have been discourteous, insensitive and unresponsive are in for a rude awakening - should the economy truly stabilize. Whatever the reason --- there is nothing that justifies being treated in that manner!

Candidates are just as guilty of a LOSS OF COMMON SENSE, lack of courtesy...and frankly a lack of ENERGY --- or any sense of urgency. Recently; I have had far too many instances where candidates reach out to me --- sometimes STALK ME for opportunities to interview ---only to have to wait DAYS to hear back - when I do call. If you have been "hounding' me --- telling me how miserable you are in your current job --- I expect to hear back within HOURS of my communication.

This lapse in time is a reflection of your INTEREST + SENSE OF URGENCY --- and tells me you either DON'T NEED A NEW JOB...or are NOT EXCITED ABOUT INTERVIEWING. Then...I send candidates on interviews - with a request that they reach out - following the interview to share their impression. This is extremely important - as my clients always want to know how THEY think it went. Yet again...far too often --- I am left chasing people down. This is common courtesy.

From an ENERGY standpoint --- many people appear like they are "going through the motions" with me in an interview. When I call them out --- I hear --- "on a REAL INTERVIEW --- I am different". What do you think the interview with me is? I am the guy who needs to decide WHO will represent ME to some of the most prestigious/demanding employers in the world. I am the guy that essential to you getting your REAL INTERVIEW. I am the guy that needs to see your "A - GAME". Generally, this is more pervasive amongst recent grads --- but this APATHETIC --- kind of energy/approach is evident at a variety of experience levels.

Common sense --- or lack thereof --- extends to INTERVIEW ATTIRE (dress like you want the job - not like you have it already) ---- BEING PREPARED (do your research on the company, the role, re-read the job description) ---- DEMONSTRATING INTEREST (there should be no doubt in an employer's mind - if you are interested).

This may just seem like a "bitch session" --- but when it is coming at me from every angle ---- the need to address basic expectations is necessary. If you have a "WHATEVER" attitude --- that is the way you will be treated.

In closing --- employers need to remember that the impressions they leave - based on their treatment of others - has long standing impact. Everyone needs to consider "Is this the way my Mom taught me how to treat people?"


Thank you...I am done PREACHING now.


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