
Showing posts from July, 2011

Common Sense...Courtesy...Energy seem to be in LOW SUPPLY!

It appears that very often --- basic expectations --- are not being met --- by employers and candidates alike! My Mom would tell me...and still does... "treat people the way you would like to be treated". This is my business/personal mantra --- and the thought I keep in the back of my mind when I am communicating. I am I certainly fall short from time to time --- but I consistently make the effort. I understand that not everyone subscribes to the same philosophy - so I try to adjust my expectations accordingly. However; I have to say that am noticing an increasing lack of COURTESY....lack of ENERGY...and apparent lack of COMMON SENSE that is somewhat disturbing. Many companies have been - what I call "CANDIDATE WINDOW SHOPPING". They see a lot candidates --- schedule multiple interviews --- only to NOT MAKE ANY DECISION! Employers seem to be showing a lack of courtesy in the greatest measure recently - specifically related to interviewing. I hear everyday...