
Showing posts from 2011

Hiring Trends In Beauty...

So...somehow the guy who is far from " metrosexual "...became THE BEAUTY RECRUITER ! Since 2004; I have established relationships with some of the most prestigious brands/companies in the industry. As a result; I have placed hundreds of exceptional professionals in roles relating to BRAND MANAGEMENT, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL MARKETING, PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, PUBLIC RELATIONS, E-COMMERCE, DIGITAL MARKETING, TRADE MARKETING, CUSTOMER MARKETING, MARKETING ACTIVATION...and more! As a result of the types of roles I recruit for; I have had the opportunity to learn about the STRATEGY, CREATIVITY and ANALYTICS that contribute to the BRAND MESSAGE, BRAND IDENTITY + BRAND POSITIONING we come to see as consumers - FROM THE TALENTED PEOPLE WHO CREATE IT! You hear people say - everything runs in cycles. I do believe this to be true - and it is often reflected in the hiring practices of my clients. For example, when I began recruiting in the beauty arena - there was a strong desire for me...

You Want The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth!

The kind folks at Business News Daily asked me for my take on "The New Job Market"... So...this is what I told them http:// Stay tuned...for more TRUTH :)

Searching for a new job? How about a mentor?

We all understand that many people have remained in jobs they were unhappy in --- due to the economy. Now, that there are --- some "OPTIONS"...what things should you be considering when contemplating your next career move? When we are in "INTERVIEW MODE" - we are keenly focused on SELLING ourselves - selling all the incredible SKILLS - TRAITS - QUALITIES + ACCOMPLISHMENTS that will make hiring us --- irresistible ! However, it is important to make sure you are doing some interviewing too! If you truly intend to spend 9, 10, 11 hours/day - with these people --- you better make damn sure of a few things about those who you will work with/for: 1- These are people you see yourself enjoying being around...they are people that you genuinely LIKE 2- They seem HAPPY - in general...and more specifically with "the group" or "the company" 3- You have things in common (that's a lot of time to spend - just exchanging pleasantries) ...

What are the keys to a successful job interview?

There are many folks out there - with fancy titles or impressive letters after their names - who will hand out all sorts of "INTERVIEW ADVICE". Since I am responsible for choreographing this "employment dance" - in a way that insures the candidates I represent are successful in the interview process --- I figured I may have something to add to this discussion as well. Here are some things you can do to be INTERVIEW READY: 1- Have a clear understanding of the job you are interviewing for (review the formal job description several times) 2- Research the company - find out about any recent events that may impact the way they are doing business 3- Based on the Job Description...have an idea of what you will be SELLING about yourself that relates most closely to the skills, qualities and experience sought 4- Try to get some insight into the "corporate culture" of the employer...and if possible; the culture of the specific group or division you a...

Common Sense...Courtesy...Energy seem to be in LOW SUPPLY!

It appears that very often --- basic expectations --- are not being met --- by employers and candidates alike! My Mom would tell me...and still does... "treat people the way you would like to be treated". This is my business/personal mantra --- and the thought I keep in the back of my mind when I am communicating. I am I certainly fall short from time to time --- but I consistently make the effort. I understand that not everyone subscribes to the same philosophy - so I try to adjust my expectations accordingly. However; I have to say that am noticing an increasing lack of COURTESY....lack of ENERGY...and apparent lack of COMMON SENSE that is somewhat disturbing. Many companies have been - what I call "CANDIDATE WINDOW SHOPPING". They see a lot candidates --- schedule multiple interviews --- only to NOT MAKE ANY DECISION! Employers seem to be showing a lack of courtesy in the greatest measure recently - specifically related to interviewing. I hear everyday...


To think that when I started recruiting 17 years ago: -I did not have a computer on my desk - I did not have a smartphone - I FAXED resumes - I still used "white-out" - There were no JOB BOARDS (Monster, HotJobs , Careerbuilder ) - I placed ads in HELP WANTED section of the NYT - Social Media DID NOT EXIST -no FACEBOOK , MYSPACE , LINKEDIN , TWITTER HOW THE HELL DID I FUNCTION :) ? When I begin to reflect on the tremendous changes that have occurred - just since my graduation from college in 1990- I feel like my grandfather - telling stories of the first TV he got...or the guy that delivered ICE for their ICE BOX (Refrigerator for those who did not know). The need to acquire a "DIGITAL SKILL SET" has become MANDATORY across almost every industry & necessary to establishing a career path. I am focusing on the DIGITAL world to underscore it's dominance in the way we interact - work - gather information - communicate - look for jobs - socialize - make purchases...


It's been a little while - since I put pen to paper...or in my case - typed frantically with one finger! Over the past month or so - the subject of HONESTY has come up frequently in my dealings with clients and candidates. We are all taught from a very young age that lying is wrong and that it is ALWAYS best to tell the truth. However; as we mature and experience life; it becomes apparent that the truth often has consequences. We also learn that many people would just prefer to not know the truth. This is especially true when it comes to employment, job search & interviewing. One of the most popular reasons candidates give (initially) for wanting to leave a what they describe as "not being a good cultural fit". This is really a catch phrase - that encompasses a wide array of subjects...that reveal themselves with further investigation. TRUTH TRANSLATION: - I loved the person who hired me. Unfortunately; after 3 months - they left and I hate the person that ha...

THE TIDE SEEMS TO BE TURNING...IN THE FAVOR OF JOB SEEKERS only took 2+ years - but I am happy to report that it appears a STEADY appetite for new TALENT is the trend (at least with my clients in NYC!). There is also a new trend (returning from the past) of.... COUNTER-OFFERS, MULTIPLE OFFERS, ROOM FOR NEGOTIATION, SIGN-ON BONUSES ...and other positive job change news!! Slowly; the companies that were passively meeting candidates for "exploratory" interviews have now stepped up their efforts to ATTRACT TALENT, EXPEDITE THE INTERVIEW PROCESS & "GO THAT EXTRA MILE" TO CLOSE THE DEAL! There exists a perfect storm of resources being allocated for new "head count", economic recovery/consumer spending + ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO STAYED IN JOBS THEY WERE UNDERPAID OR JUST UNHAPPY IN....ARE LEAVING...IN BIG NUMBERS!!! You don't need to be an employment analyst to just talk to your friends & see how many are actively searching for a new job...or have already made the move. On LinkedIn ; you can view the n...


With the increasing peek into your entire life afforded by technology - to anyone who cares to look - much more information than you may be aware of is shaping your "brand". How in control are you of your brand? Did you even think you had a brand? Most people believe that branding is for companies like Nike, Coca Cola & McDonald's. However; people are "brands" unto themselves. Thinking of people as brands came to light when the most gifted basketball player in history - Michael Jordan - became the most recognizable name, likeness, jersey, silhouette, BRAND --- "AIR JORDAN" in the world. By definition - a brand conjures up an ASSOCIATION with qualities that far exceed what is accepted as "standard". Average folks rely on their resume - or some cheesy corporate bio to "paint their brand picture". However; a great many professionals (in a wide array of industries/skill sets) recognize the p...


Technology is advancing in every aspect of our society. New planets are being discovered, we are making progress fighting diseases, we have the ability to split atoms... THEN WHY THE HELL CAN'T SOMEONE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MY RESUME HAS BEEN RECEIVED...OR AFTER MULTIPLE INTERVIEWS WHY DO I SUDDENLY HEAR NOTHING??? How many times have you heard about this "RESUME BLACK HOLE"? I speak to candidates everyday who tell me "I sent my resume to the "Career" or "Current Openings" page on a corporate website and never heard back." There are several reasons for this LACK OF CONTACT - it still takes a human being to sift through the hundreds, sometimes thousands of resumes being received....and choose yours to respond to - many job postings are "stale" or "bait" postings - simply meant to keep candidate traffic flowing into their resume database - you may simply be UNQUALIFIED for the position you are applying to....and therefore - this ...