WE ENTER A NEW SEASON...but what has really changed?

The summer is over... Fantasy Football is dominating online chats (for guys)...The Yankees are heading into the post season...but what has really changed in the job market?

In my assessment...not too much has changed. The economic analysts continue to speak of moving out of the recession...but many of the country's largest employers have just recently completed their latest rounds of lay-offs.

Yes...there is a lot to be said for REMAINING POSITIVE, NETWORKING, BEING PROACTIVE, and all that other GOOD STUFF! However, you and I cannot create job openings. It is important to continue to do all those things you have control over to put you in the best position of connecting with a new job....as we all know...doing the right thing...does NOT pay the bills! Unfortunately, budget allocation, retail markets, consumer spending, product/brand performance, and consumer confidence all impact an employer's willingness/ability to add to staff - and there's not a damn thing we can do to impact those.

There have been some "signs of life"...particularly in the ONLINE AD SALES arena. Although advertising spending was dramatically reduced in 2009; the interactive space continues to grow as SOCIAL MEDIA, MOBILE MARKETING & WEB BASED PROMOTIONS claim a larger spend in comparison to TV, RADIO, PRINT. Much like 99', 2000, 2001 - there are a whole bunch of online ad companies SPROUTING UP all over the place in attempt to grab some of this $$$. the spots these companies are adding are specific to NEW BUSINESS GENERATION. These employers are seeking SALES people with 2 years of experience - that want to be paid based on the business they bring in. The issue is...if you are a salesperson at an online ad company...and you are meeting or exceeding your goals...WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE A MOVE? Eventually, many of these companies will have no choice but to give a shot to "greener/up & coming" sales pros who are not yet established. The other spots being added by these entities are very technical in nature...operations, analysis, software development, etc.

The Talent Magnet's core client base has been comprised of a mix of leaders in the BEAUTY, ADVERTISING & ENTERTAINMENT industries. I have seen nearly a 100% DROP in hiring over the past year. Traditionally...when permanent hiring slows...you see an increase in TEMP/CONSULTING. NOT THIS TIME... Within a 90 day period, hiring of any kind just stopped. The few positions that have been added - were a FLUKE of sorts. Maybe they had an unexpected resignation/departure in an area that demanded replacement.

My clients continue to tell me not to expect much to change until well into the first quarter of 2010.

So...much like the thousands of you looking...I too am LOOKING. I look everyday for an opportunity to market/place the candidates I represent. In fact, I make 25+ COLD CALLS & send out nearly the same amount of emails in an attempt to connect with HR execs & hiring managers. Many of the HR professionals I am speaking to (outside my CORE INDUSTRY FOCUS) are optimistic about the New Year...so this is positive.

The bottom line is that everything is cyclical. This DOWN CYCLE has just lasted longer & came on quicker than anyone could have imagined.

So...are things changing? I think that the answer is subjective & will vary based upon who you speak to. The reality is...IT CAN'T GET MUCH WORSE...on the job front.

So...thinking positively, I am picking up my recruitment efforts & doing everything in my power to remain in the forefront of the minds of HR execs & hiring managers.



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