I have not posted in a while... and so many things have changed! Our Governor is banging hookers, Billy Crystal suited up for the day as a NY Yankee, Obama's spiritual advisor is a crazy person, cranes are falling out of the NYC sky...and employers have pulled back on NEW HIRES and are ramping up for HIRING FREEZES and more TEMP/CONSULTING gigs!

Generally, the 1st quarter is busy...with new jobs, lots of interviews, offers for 10-15K more than what my candidates had been earning...however, the market is moving as slowly as my grandma in a walker in the nursing home!

Unfortunately, several interviews that began in January are still dragging on. Budget issues, executive travel schedules, "HEAD-COUNT", and political BS has caused a general slowing in the interview/hiring process.

Candidates need to be aware that the number of new jobs has been reduced and the opportunity to DEMAND 10-15K more than what you are earning is fading. People who are serious about making a career change for GROWTH, A CHALLENGING NEW SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITIES, A NEW CORPORATE CULTURE/ATTITUDE, THE OPPORTUNITY TO REPORT INTO EXECUTIVES THAT HAVE A SINCERE INTEREST IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT...need to be aggressive in their search - bring their "A" game in their interviews and understand that all of the "ADDED VALUE" listed above may be reason to accept a new position for 5-10K more than what they are currently earning - rather than HOLDING OUT for more $$$.

BTW- $5,000.00... OVER 52 weeks...AFTER TAXES...might get you half a Cosi sandwich and a VENTI SKIM ain't impacting your quality of life!


- a resume that is customized to address the specific responsibilities called for in the job you are applying to - make sure you SELL what employers are BUYING

- understand the core set of skills you possess that are transferable in ANY role and what qualities you possess that truly distinguish you from your competition

- approach ALL of your interviews (WITH RECRUITERS-HR- HIRING MANAGERS) with a positive attitude & a clear balance of CONFIDENCE & HUMILITY

- take inventory of the reasons that are TRULY motivating you to make a move - do NOT allow what you hear - what friends/family tell you to drive your search - BEING HAPPY & WANTING TO GET UP AND GO TO WORK EVERYDAY IS WORTH A LOT OF MONEY

- if you are in between jobs - give serious consideration to CONSULTING or TEMP gigs - this is a fantastic way for you to DATE your prospective employer - before marrying them - keeps you in the INDUSTRY/ROLE you are pursuing - ultimately provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your value & network with people who can assist you



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