Most of you that visit my blog know that I generally discuss issues that relate to searching for jobs, interviewing, resumes, etc. In addition, I close out all my postings with a quote of some sort. The quotes usually come from a song that I identify with (usually something from a Rap, Hip-Hop or R & B artist). The truth is that my musical tastes are quite varied. My iPod has an eclectic inventory of Classic Rock, Pop, Reggae...along with my favorite Rap & Hip-Hop tunes. Music has always been an important part of my life. I find inspiration & peace from listening to lyrics & beats that move me. Although I never played an instrument...it has been a regret of mine that I did not have the ability to use music as another form of creative expression. I was always envious of the person that could sit down at a piano and bang out a tune or that I was not the guy grabbing my guitar and jamming with my frends. To this end, I finally decided to address my fears (of not being capa...