
Showing posts from October, 2006


Most of you that visit my blog know that I generally discuss issues that relate to searching for jobs, interviewing, resumes, etc. In addition, I close out all my postings with a quote of some sort. The quotes usually come from a song that I identify with (usually something from a Rap, Hip-Hop or R & B artist). The truth is that my musical tastes are quite varied. My iPod has an eclectic inventory of Classic Rock, Pop, Reggae...along with my favorite Rap & Hip-Hop tunes. Music has always been an important part of my life. I find inspiration & peace from listening to lyrics & beats that move me. Although I never played an has been a regret of mine that I did not have the ability to use music as another form of creative expression. I was always envious of the person that could sit down at a piano and bang out a tune or that I was not the guy grabbing my guitar and jamming with my frends. To this end, I finally decided to address my fears (of not being capa...


The Yankees are in the post season...the Giants season has begun...and all seems right with the world...except the RESUME, ATTITUDE, INTERVIEW STYLE of many of the candidates I have been meeting. I believe that because of the robust economy and the volume of job openings listed on corporate websites and HotJobs, Careerbuilder, Monster & Craigslist...there seems to be a "laid back " approach by many jobseekers to their search. Do not be fooled into thinking that because there appears to be so many jobs out there... or the fact that you are getting many interviews, that either of these guarantee you landing a new position. You have to remember that you are continuing to compete with other jobseekers whose education, experience, interpersonal skills, resume structure are as good, if not better than your own!!! Candidates need to assume that there are at least three other QUALITY candidates the employer is comparing them to in every hiring decision!!! This is where "brin...