The summer is over and everyone is once again focused on getting more money, new responsibilities, a new title, or simply...a new job!
Let's tackle one subject at a time!
Everyone wants one...everyone feels they are deserving of one...not many people feel comfortable asking for one...not many people know when the "right time" to ask is...
My approach to the subject of raises is much like an attorney building a case for the person he/she is representing. It is always better to allow your actions/accomplishments/contributions to do the talking for you! It just may require you to subtly remind management what you bring to their organization.
The subject of a raise should always be based on your merit/performance. It should not be approached from the standpoint of "I know other people that do the same job and make more money" or "The company is doing very well and you could afford it"!
You need to build your case by clearly demonstrating how you go above & beyond what is expected of you. Most organizations have a formal "performance review" program. It generally corresponds to the calendar year. If you are due for your review in December; don't mope around from September until December. In fact, this is crunch time for you in "building your case". You need to re-dedicate yourself to being SUPER-POSITIVE and GETTING NOTICED. By being visible and being involved; you will provide JUSTIFICATION based on PERFORMANCE & ATTITUDE for your raise.
This is the same approach taken by professional athletes in the last year of their contract. They know that their performance/contribution during this time period will impact their perceived value and their compensation. It is no coincidence that many sports figures in the last year of their contract...end up having the best season hey have had in years. Their performance makes the job of asking for a raise much easier.
Don't ask for a raise when:
>your recent performance, behavior, attendance has been in question
>you know that several colleagues in similar positions have recently been downsized
>you are due for a "review" within 90 days...use this time to campaign and insure the support of your immediate manager
>you know the company has been struggling or going through tough times
>your manager is new and not aware of your contributions previous to their arrival
Determining what offer is a good offer is sometimes a difficult task.
When contemplating an offer, there are many criteria that need consideration:
>Is the job description appropriate based on my experience/educational background?
>How will this company provide an opportunity for professional growth?
>Are the people I would be working with most closely...people I could see myself wanting to spend 8,9, 10 hors a day with?
>Is there a mentor...someone you respect professionally that may be able to take you under their wing?
>What is the perception of this organization in comparison to the one you are leaving?
>Is the compensation package competitive?
Notice that I put compensation as the last point to cover! Remember that $5,000.00 after taxes in NYC...may buy you lunch everyday. Those other piecses to the puzzle have far more impact on the quality of the offer. This is not to say money is not important...but it should be just part of what ultimately drives your decision.
You want to take a new position that makes you HAPPY & MOTIVATED to get up everyday and go to work!!!
Frankly, my feeling is that a counter-offer from your current employer is NOT an offer at all!!! This should be viewed more as an admission of under-valuing you. People receiving a counter-offer need to remember some important things:
>there were many things that you had been unhappy with which caused you to look for a new job to begin with
>the things that irritated and disappointed you about your experience are not likely to miraculously change
>you are apt to be perceived differently...many times employees that clearly have outside options are less likely to be in the "inner circle"
>outside of more money...what is going to change internally that will contribute to your professional growth
>why was this money...new title...not offered before you threatened to leave????
ANALOGY: You are dating someone for ten years...you have repeatedly told them of your desire to be married...finally you can't take it anymore and threaten to break up if they do not get married to you...now, your partner says, well i don't want to LOSE you so I will marry you! This marriage based solely on fear of loss is NOT likely to be successful. The proposal comes under duress and does not speak to why the offer of marriage had not been a priority/desire for your partner. This is NOT the marriage you want!!!!
The job market should continue to be active from now until after Thanksgiving! Then, things slow down...budgets have been spent...people stay to get their year end bonuses...and we look to pick up the pace in the new year!!!
So...if you are looking...pound the pavement for the next few months and it will pay off!!!
"I... a refugee from Guantanomo Bay....dance around the border like I'm Cassius Clay!" - FUGEES