Greetings once again and thanks for all the fantastic feedback; I love to hear what's on everyone's mind!
The topic I would like to explore is the motivation behind making a job/career move. It has become clear to me that better than half the candidates I meet are making a move primarily just to get the hell out of where they are now! Typically; I am all for any catalyst for action.
However, I am afraid that if the ONLY motivation is to get out of the situation you are in; you are probably going to be looking again in 12-18 months. Too often; we are so caught up in how miserable, bored, overworked, under-compensated we are that we fail to really examine what we are looking for in a new job.
REMEMBER: There is @#$%^& in every workplace...although you may leave the #$@%^& you assured there is a new set of @#$%^& waiting for you at a new job!
With this in mind; jobseekers need to have a clear idea of what they expect from their new employer. The interview process tends to place most of the focus on selling yourself to a prospective employer. As a result; many people are so consumed by demonstrating what they can bring and how they could improve their future employer's staff, that they lose sight of what is equally important...what is the employer truly offering you?
When couseling candidates; I encourage them to ask themselves several vital questions: Can you see yourself in this new workplace for 3 years? Is there anyone you will be in regular contact that can contribute to your professional growth...act as a mentor? Can you see yourself side by side with these people/personalities 8-10 hours/day?
I am shocked at how often these very basic questions were not considered when making a career decision. In the interview process; everyone is fantastic. We give our best 45 minutes...we look good...we are energized...we are charming...WE ARE SELLING!!!! Well, I have news for are the people conducting the interview!
You are not seeing them the morning after their cat died. You are not seeing them immediately after their boss just chewed them out for not getting their work in on time. You are not seeing them on the coldest day of the year after they missed two busses and are soaking wet. get THE INTERVIEW THEM...and they get THE INTERVIEW YOU!!!
For this very reason; temp-to-hire scenerios have become so popular. Here; you and the prospective employer DATE before getting MARRIED. It is an opportunity to continue a MUTUAL interview process for up to 3 months. Unfortunately, this process is only suited for those jobseekers that are currently unemployed.
The idea moving forward is to take a global perspective to your search. Don't just look to get away from LINDA because LINDA is an @#$%^&. There is probably a LINDA waiting for you at the next place.
When approaching employers directly or coming to a recruiter; having a realistic idea of what you expect from your next employment experience is integral to making the best match!
CAUTION: Beware of the COUNTER-OFFER!!! A COUNTER-OFFER is made when it is clear an employer stands to lose an employee to another company. The question to ask yourself is WHERE WAS THIS MONEY/TITLE/NEW ROLE before you made it clear you were leaving? Chances are...that an offer made in desperation...should have and could have been made sooner. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO STAY KNOWING THAT IT TOOK THE THREAT OF YOUR DEPARTURE TO GET WHAT YOU LIKELY DESERVED???
The topic I would like to explore is the motivation behind making a job/career move. It has become clear to me that better than half the candidates I meet are making a move primarily just to get the hell out of where they are now! Typically; I am all for any catalyst for action.
However, I am afraid that if the ONLY motivation is to get out of the situation you are in; you are probably going to be looking again in 12-18 months. Too often; we are so caught up in how miserable, bored, overworked, under-compensated we are that we fail to really examine what we are looking for in a new job.
REMEMBER: There is @#$%^& in every workplace...although you may leave the #$@%^& you assured there is a new set of @#$%^& waiting for you at a new job!
With this in mind; jobseekers need to have a clear idea of what they expect from their new employer. The interview process tends to place most of the focus on selling yourself to a prospective employer. As a result; many people are so consumed by demonstrating what they can bring and how they could improve their future employer's staff, that they lose sight of what is equally important...what is the employer truly offering you?
When couseling candidates; I encourage them to ask themselves several vital questions: Can you see yourself in this new workplace for 3 years? Is there anyone you will be in regular contact that can contribute to your professional growth...act as a mentor? Can you see yourself side by side with these people/personalities 8-10 hours/day?
I am shocked at how often these very basic questions were not considered when making a career decision. In the interview process; everyone is fantastic. We give our best 45 minutes...we look good...we are energized...we are charming...WE ARE SELLING!!!! Well, I have news for are the people conducting the interview!
You are not seeing them the morning after their cat died. You are not seeing them immediately after their boss just chewed them out for not getting their work in on time. You are not seeing them on the coldest day of the year after they missed two busses and are soaking wet. get THE INTERVIEW THEM...and they get THE INTERVIEW YOU!!!
For this very reason; temp-to-hire scenerios have become so popular. Here; you and the prospective employer DATE before getting MARRIED. It is an opportunity to continue a MUTUAL interview process for up to 3 months. Unfortunately, this process is only suited for those jobseekers that are currently unemployed.
The idea moving forward is to take a global perspective to your search. Don't just look to get away from LINDA because LINDA is an @#$%^&. There is probably a LINDA waiting for you at the next place.
When approaching employers directly or coming to a recruiter; having a realistic idea of what you expect from your next employment experience is integral to making the best match!
CAUTION: Beware of the COUNTER-OFFER!!! A COUNTER-OFFER is made when it is clear an employer stands to lose an employee to another company. The question to ask yourself is WHERE WAS THIS MONEY/TITLE/NEW ROLE before you made it clear you were leaving? Chances are...that an offer made in desperation...should have and could have been made sooner. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO STAY KNOWING THAT IT TOOK THE THREAT OF YOUR DEPARTURE TO GET WHAT YOU LIKELY DESERVED???