Greetings once again and thanks for all the fantastic feedback; I love to hear what's on everyone's mind! The topic I would like to explore is the motivation behind making a job/career move. It has become clear to me that better than half the candidates I meet are making a move primarily just to get the hell out of where they are now! Typically; I am all for any catalyst for action. However, I am afraid that if the ONLY motivation is to get out of the situation you are in; you are probably going to be looking again in 12-18 months. Too often; we are so caught up in how miserable, bored, overworked, under-compensated we are that we fail to really examine what we are looking for in a new job. REMEMBER: There is @#$%^& in every workplace...although you may leave the #$@%^& you assured there is a new set of @#$%^& waiting for you at a new job! With this in mind; jobseekers need to have a clear idea of what they expect from their new employer. The intervi...