To Get A Job Fast, Learn How Companies Recruit

The following is a "Guest Blog" by NYT Best Selling Author and good friend Martin Yate who included me as one of a panel of "Career Experts" to contribute to his latest book : Knock Em Dead "Secrets & Strategies For First Time Job Seekers"... which is now available! http:// To Get A Job Fast, Learn How Companies Recruit in Share 0 Martin Yate CPC NY Times Bestseller Professional Resume Services A successful job search requires more than trolling popular job boards and occasionally hitting the “send resume” button when the spirit moves you. As any good strategist will tell you, tactics are determined from a sound understanding of your opponents psychology and tactics. The same goes for job search, a smart plan of attack demands that you understand how companies go about recruitment and then invest your time accordingly. This is especially true for the 2012/2013 grads who are facing enormous competition for available ...