
Showing posts from April, 2013

Employers Seeking A Cultural Match & The Marathon Interview Process

The weather is first beginning to get a little warmer and much like the Yankees (thus far)... the job market has been off to a SLOW START. Wait... let me re-phrase that ---- HIRING is happening at a far slower pace than I expected. Starting back as many as 5-10 years ago; employers dramatically changed their approach to hiring. Not only did they empower  Human Resources as true "Business Partners" --- but they began to "hire by committee".  This trend was born from a concern for ensuring candidates were a cultural/chemistry match to the team... and company as a whole. As a result -- it is very common for the 50K and 250K candidate to have 3 or 4 interviews --- over 4 -6 (sometimes 8) week period. During these interviews, it is understood they will meet not only HR and the Hiring Manager --- but peers... and in some cases --- subordinates --- all in an attempt to evaluate the CULTURAL MATCH. The scary truth is that based on the hundreds of jo...