The 5 Deadly Sins Of LinkedIn...
As a result of the more than 4,500 connections I have established and the incredible importance of LinkedIn to my world as a recruiter - I have become somewhat of an expert in "Best Practices" when it comes to etiquette and building your personal brand. Here are 5 things that I refer to as "Deadly Sins" that when I encounter --- make me cringe. #1 SPELLING OR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN THE PROFILE When it comes to attention to detail and the way you choose to “broadcast” your personal brand to the world – there is no excuse for having spelling or grammatical errors in your profile . Yes… I understand there is no spell-check feature – but c’mon folks! Frankly, I think the number of otherwise very qualified candidates with their title listed as MANGER vs MANAGER are absurd. You would also be surprised at the number of profiles that include misspelled names of major brands and companies (some of which were even former employers). The profile provide...