Searching for a new job? How about a mentor?
We all understand that many people have remained in jobs they were unhappy in --- due to the economy. Now, that there are --- some "OPTIONS"...what things should you be considering when contemplating your next career move?
When we are in "INTERVIEW MODE" - we are keenly focused on SELLING ourselves - selling all the incredible SKILLS - TRAITS - QUALITIES + ACCOMPLISHMENTS that will make hiring us --- irresistible !
However, it is important to make sure you are doing some interviewing too!
If you truly intend to spend 9, 10, 11 hours/day - with these people --- you better make damn sure of a few things about those who you will work with/for:
1- These are people you see yourself enjoying being around...they are people that you genuinely LIKE
2- They seem HAPPY - in general...and more specifically with "the group" or "the company"
3- You have things in common (that's a lot of time to spend - just exchanging pleasantries)