
Showing posts from November, 2009


In the poetic words of Wyclef appears as if I have been GONE TIL NOVEMBER...especially when it comes to updating the blog! So...just to recap since I last checked in...THE NEW YORK YANKEES HAVE WON THEIR 27 th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, THE NY FOOTBALL GIANTS AFTER WINNING THEIR FIRST 5 GAMES...HAVE HAD A COMPLETE COLLAPSE...THANKSGIVING HAS COME & GONE... AND MOST IMPORTANTLY; IN THE PAST 6 WEEKS - THERE HAVE BEEN DEFINITE "SIGNS OF LIFE" IN THE JOB MARKET! I am happy to report that I am now working on multiple searches ---instead of CALLING, EMAILING, NETWORKING...and everything short of BEGGING for job openings to work on! Traditionally; the job market lags behing the general economy in recovery by about 3-6 months. In NYC specifically...the recovery happens GEOGRAPHICALLY . This is evident in the increase in hiring seen by my peers working in the FINANCIAL SERVICES/BANKING/IT sectors. has begun DOWNTOWN...and over the next few months; we will see acti...