So...The Yankees have a new stadium...but get the worst beating in their history (22-4)...Obama decides that a low FLY OVER NYC of Airforce One and an F-16 Fighter Jet is a GOOD PHOTO OP...SWINE FLU has hit and reminds everyone to wash their hands frequently. BUT WHAT HAS CHANGED IN THE JOB MARKET? Overall...not too much has changed. Most of the leaders in BEAUTY, ADVERTISING & ENTERTAINMENT that I recruit for are still in some type of HIRING FREEZE. There have been "FLICKERS" of activity...but nothing to indicate any significant hiring will be happening. For example...I have had searches called out to me to replace employees that "left suddenly". One expectant mother gave birth a month earlier than expected - and another spot opened as a result of an employee moving cross country because her husband received a major job offer in LA. I am fortunate enough to be working on some CONSULTING positions for one of my biggest Beauty clients. These spots are specif...