
Showing posts from March, 2009


Banks, Insurance Giants, Automotive Manufacturers...all received tremendous sums of money to help them survive during this challenging economy. How much money did you get to "bail you out"? Chances are...that you got the same thing I did...NOTHING!!! So...what is your plan to remain afloat in this sea of economic uncertainty? What are you doing to re-invent yourself? Who are you reaching out to? Have you identified those skills and traits that set you apart from all those other "HIGHLY SKILLED" people competing for the same job? Are you projecting a positive/upbeat attitude...or is the frustration, anxiety and bitterness you feel...completely visible to those you are meeting? ARE YOU TRULY FLEXIBLE? Are you living in REALITY or are you in denial when it comes to your job security, financial stability, and professional future? The above questions I have posed are ones I ask everyone I interview & have attempted to answered myself... They seem very basic in nature...

...going back to school...leaving the industry...moving out of NY...stepping up my search...losing sleep & very worried...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

So...are you DEPRESSED or MOTIVATED? INSPIRED or CATATONIC? HOPEFUL or DISTRESSED? It is all about perspective...and your ability to adapt/adjust to CHANGE. You can choose to FIGHT or exist in a state of FEAR. Can you take some comfort in knowing that "WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT"? I am envious of those people who seem to have the ability to BELIEVE that some how...some way...things will just work out! I subscribe to the practice of focusing on those things I have control over & am trying to be PRESENT. many people spend too much time focusing on what I could have done differently or worrying what will be happening in the future. You cannot change what you already did & losing yourself IN worry about the future takes you away from focusing on what you CAN control TODAY!!! by being have the ability to enjoy your day on an hour to hour basis. We cannot control: THE ECONOMY, CORPORATE HIRING FREEZES, TERRORISM, CONSUMER SPENDING, THE WEATHER,...