CHANGE ...it is something that is certain...most of the time is done reluctantly...but at this time...appears to be welcomed!!! The key to CHANGE is how you adapt! The common trait that all SUCCESSFUL people share is their ability to adapt & re-invent themselves. This is especially true as it relates to your career. You cannot CHANGE things you have no control over...( ie the economy)...however, you do have the ability to change things that can make your job search, resume & interviewing more successful. One thing to consider is your ability to identify skills/qualities/ characteristics that you possess that distinguish you from those you are competing against. Once you take inventory, you then need to SELL these to employers. You need to do this bearing in mind the NEEDS of the employer. So...what is UNIQUE to you...may have NO APPEAL to a prospective employer. Therefore...in addition to understanding what sets you apart - you need to package and sell this information i...