I wanted to share with you a compilation of some of the amusing things I have heard in the past few months from both candidates and the people interviewing them. "I am a people person" - of course you are, otherwise you would be a Veterinarian or work in a Zoo. This is not a skill... "Many women are intimidated by my looks" - yes...I am certain that is exactly why you have been interviewing for 8 months with no are just too good looking... "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" - one of the dumbest/old school interview questions I still continue to hear. I think if I was interviewing, I might be tempted to say something silly like...Florida perhaps "My company is changing" - surprisingly, this is one of the more common reasons given for wanting to leave. What does this mean? It is usually difficult for those who say this to describe what they mean "I am excellent in interviews, I've had 13 in in the last month!" - th...