"And just like the prodigal son...I've returned, try to step closer to me , you'll get burned!" - HOUSE OF PAIN As we move further into 4th quarter; many candidates are becoming stressed about landing their new job before the year is out. Historically, the job market slows considerably a week or so after Thanksgiving and remains that way until the end of the year. There are several reasons for decrease in new opportunities offered by employers during this time: 1- Many times, annual budgets have already been exausted - leaving the Hiring Manager to ask that money be allocated in the 2006 budget for a "new hire" 2-Most jobseekers that currently hold positions that offer a "year-end review" or "annual bonus" will remain in their position through the end of the their vacancies won't become opportunities for others until mid-January 3- In general, people associate "change" with calendar year benchmarks - both employer...