
Showing posts from February, 2005


We are almost two months into 2005 and many of you are asking "Why don't I have a job yet?" Patience my friends...your time is going to come! There was quite a flurry of activity in January. However, the last three weeks have been painfully slow! There is a bit of a drop in the number of jobs. More importantly, the process has gotten extremely slow. It is not uncommon to get a new job opening - get three resumes to my client within twenty four hours - only to wait up to a week to get any feedback! The hiring process has gotten prolonged for a number of reasons. Even though many companies are seeking the same talent; it is still an employer's market. The most sought after companies will continue to take their time and work at their pace, confident that candidates will wait. The other factor effecting the length of time between receipt of a resume and an offer is the number of people involved in that hiring decision. The following is a typical flow chart: 1) resume...


The title is just a fancy way of stating how important both ATTITUDE and the manner in which you PRESENT yourself are in a successful interview. Regardless of whether your interview is with a recruiter or Human Resources; these two components play a major role in determining whether you will be introduced to key decision makers. Attitude... When someone that is vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic and friendly comes to see me; I feel more motivated to refer them to my clients. It is basic human nature. Energy and excitement are part of the "sales" process. They must be present to ensure success. Conversely, when someone comes to me and offers the "dead fish" handshake and makes me feel that they are "going through the motions", I am far less apt to introduce them to my client. It has been my experience that a terrific attitude can often make up for a lack of experience. However, a bad attitude can disqualify the most brilliant, experienced candidate. ...